lunedì 7 settembre 2015

Sanket Khuntale:"The achievement of the precious vase of Krishna"

Nocturnal Artists of the Cappuccino: Best Photos of the day.
Photographer artist:Sanket Khuntale
Photo Title:"The achievement of the precious vase of Krishna"
From: Karad >Satara district > Maharashtra >India
He/she lives in :Mumbai( Bombay)> Maharashtra>India
Photo taken in : Maharashtra>>India
Source and pages:

I want to warn everybody, that this is a shot of about 3 or 4 years ago,that day many person were there   ,from above of  an high place,to take the photo with  about the same framing ,this photo has won many awards; it belongs ,it is copyright of Sanket Khuntale, please don't question about this photo ,ok? Thanks.
And now my review :

The perfect shot
State of Maharashtra. The festival of Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. The event is commemorated: placing statues of Krishna in the cradle, in every place, the people and the priests in the temples read the Hindu scriptures: The Bhagavad Gita. Then the devotees exchange gifts, sing hymns, dancing and attending the  more important event: the Dahi Handi. Dahi Handi is an acrobatic performance, to remember the moments of the life of Krishna (when the  Krishna  breaks a pot of butter which he was fond). In the feast  group of young boys :the  Govinda Pathaks form a tower, the person at the top of the tower must try to break the jar of butter milk, which is positioned at the top. Once, split the pot of buttermilk with a knob, the liquid falls on all participants as a blessing, that symbolizes success through the unit.
Sanket Khuntale that day, he says he was able to be at the top of the world to take this wonderful picture. The photo is so full of dynamism, geometric perfection (the hands that they all tend towards the center of the pyramid), balance and color brilliance that it has won many well-deserved awards. .
Claudia Maryam Shan

La foto perfetta.
Stato del Maharashtra. Il festival di Janmashtami,è la celebrazione della nascita of Krishna,l'ottavo avatar di Vishnu. L'evento è commemorato sistemando statuette di Krishna nella culla in ogni luogo,nei templi si leggono le scritture indù :I Bhagavad Gita. Inoltre i devoti si scambiano regali ,cantano inni sacri,danzano ed assistono all'evento più importante :il Dahi Handi. Dahi Handi è una performance acrobatica,per ricordare i momenti della vita di Krishna (quando il dio rompe un vaso di burro di cui era ghiotto),un gruppo di giovani ragazzi i :Govinda Pathaks formano una torre ,la persona in testa alla torre deve cercare di rompere il vaso di burro di latte,posizionato in alto . Una volta ,spaccato il vaso di latticello con una noce, il liquido cade su tutti i partecipanti come una benedizione,che simboleggia il successo attraverso l'unità.
Sanket Khuntale quel giorno dice di essersi trovato in cima al mondo per scattare questa foto meravigliosa. La foto è talmente pregna di dinamicità ,di perfezione geometrica(le mani che tendono tutte verso il centro della piramide),di equilibrio e brillantezza deicolori che ha vinto molitssimi meritati premi .
Claudia Maryam Shan
New cover in the page Nocturnal

Nocturnal Artists of the Cappuccino: Best Photos of the day. 
Photographer artist: Anjan Ghosh
Photo Title:"Little commander "
Website-fb page or profile:
From: Kolkata(Calcutta)>West Bengal>India
He/she lives in: Kolkata(Calcutta)>West Bengal>India
Photo taken in:Kheyadah>West Bengal>India